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Esempi di Architettura
International Journal of Architecture and Engineering

Area 08 – Ingegneria civile e architettura
The International Journal EdA Examples of Architecture – print version – was founded in 2007. The Journal with the requirement of “peer review” (clear peer review), was created to disseminate scientific papers published by universities and research centers, in order to focus attention on the critical reading of the projects. The intention is to create a place for a cultural debate on interdisciplinary topics, with the aim to investigate issues related to different fields of study ranging from history, restoration, architectural and structural design, technology, landscape and the city.
All material submitted to EdA International Journal – digital version and print version – is reviewed and edited by Scientif Director and other editors as required before publication. Text, bibliographies and references will be reformatted in accordance with editorial norms of EdA International Journal.
Special attention is given to language, grammar and technical terms, but changes may also be made in paper titles and in section titles. All changes are made with the approval of the author. Each author will receive their documents/papers in which editorial corrections/suggestions are made clearly evident so that the author is aware of the changes made. When the author signs the “Authorization to Publish” form before publication, he/she acknowledges that all changes have been seen and approved. It is very important to control also the copyrights of the text and of the images. In particular for the reproduction of images and other graphic material it is fundamental to send the permission and the authorization to the press. All the authors release EdA Esempi di Architettura from all responsibility if disputes arise from publication of the paper (such as disputes over rights to reproduction). The “Contributor’s Authorization to Publish” form will be sent to all authors when galleys are sent for approval.

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International Journal EdA. Digital Version

Editorial Policy
ISSN: 2384-9576
Periodicità: Semestrale
Abbonamento Cartaceo: 60 €
Abbonamento : 20 €
Pubblicazioni nella rivista
@racne marchio editoriale di Adiuvare S.r.l. Partita IVA 15662501004