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Estratto dal volume
Legal Policy & Pandemics
The Journal of the Global Pandemic Network

Belgian Responses to COVID-19
DOI:  10.53136/97912599443518
Pagine: 95-102
Data di pubblicazione: Gennaio 2022
Editore: Aracne
This contribution appraises the most relevant measures adopted in Belgium against the spread of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Moreover, it underscores how the complex Belgian institutional setup has hampered the adoption of prompt and effective responses to the Pandemic. To this end, in Section 1 it fleshes out the structure of the Belgian state, in particular highlighting the tangled division of competences across different levels of government. In Section 2 and 3, it analyses the measures adopted by the Federal, Regional and Local governments amidst the most severe phase of the Pandemic’s outbreak. Relevant, the unclear allocation of competences and powers among levels of government as to the adoption of Covid-19 measures led to legal and institutional conflicts. In Section 4, 5 and 6 it skims through the evolution of the emergency regulatory regime following the Covid-19 spread, the measures aimed at contact-tracing and those aimed at supporting economic activities, respectively. In Section 7, it displays the most relevant domestic case law against the adopted Covid-19 measures. Last, in Section 8 it analyses the latest developments towards a new comprehensive legal regimes to tackle the current and future massive health crisis in Belgium.
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