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Architetti e Artisti nella Diaspora Italiana in America Latina. Arquitectos y Artistas en la Diáspora Italiana en Latinoamérica

Escultores y Marmolistas Italianos en la Ciudad De México en el Primer Tercio del Siglo XX. Un Recuento Biográfico
DOI:  10.53136/979125994390315
Pagine: 372-415
Data di pubblicazione: Settembre 2021
Editore: Aracne
This chapter recounts many Italian sculptors and marble stonemasons who lived or worked in Mexico City during the first third of the 20th century. Some only sent their works from Italy. Others visited the country on time to attend to their orders and some more settled in the capital of Mexico, developed a remarkable activity, especially in relation to funerary sculpture. The biographies of some of them allow us to know in detail origin, family, and professional aspects, the first step, for a future analysis of their works.
Keywords: Italians, Sculptors, Mexico City, Augusto Cesar Volpi, Cesar Augusto Volpi, Egisto Piccini Volpi, and others.
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