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Marie-Cecilè Nagouas Guérin

Marie Cécile Nagouas-Guérin teaches Criminal Law, Criminology and Philosophy of Criminal Law at the University of Bordeaux. Author of a book on the doubt in criminal matters (2002 – Dalloz) and another on criminal law (2010 – Hachette), since 2012, she has published articles mainly on juvenile delinquency, and criminal protection of minors. She also develops lessons and researches in criminology on the relationships between violence, responsibility and philosophy. Criminology and its history are analysed and criticized in relation to their philosophical and metaphysical background, questioning especially contemporary paradigms of scientific perceptions of crime, violence and their results on criminal justice and criminal law.
@racne marchio editoriale di Adiuvare S.r.l. Partita IVA 15662501004