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Innovating through value co-creation: a viable (eco) systems perspective
DOI:  10.53136/97912804140214
Pages: 85-119
Publication date: June 2021
Publisher: Aracne
The work proposes a conceptual framework that integrates Service-dominant logic (S-D logic) and service ecosystems view with Viable systems approach (VSA) to advance some management steps for decision-making aimed at encouraging innovation and challenging complexity. Starting from aa theoretical overview, the common points and the dissimilarities between the two perspectives are discussed. Based on their complementarity (S-D logic focuses on an interactive level of analysis, whereas VSA is grounded on a managerial viewpoint) the key management drivers to foster innovation in viable ecosystems are introduced and debated. Then, four stages of a circular pathway for innovation are identified: 1) proactive and innovation-oriented mind-set for stakeholder’s selection; 2) relationships and resource integration management for value co-creation optimization; 3) objectives/goal alignment; 4) multi-level decision-making for the renewal of innovation. The study provides insights on the relationship between value co-creation and innovation and sheds light on the potential antecedents and consequences of innovation by analysing the circularity of the innovation process. Moreover, revealing the potential steps of innovation process can aid managers to elaborate strategies to encourage actor’s engagement, resource integration and to turn the knowledge acquired into new knowledge to gain competitiveness and renew the process over time.

Keywords: service-dominant logic, service ecosystems, viable systems approach, value co-creation, innovation, resource integration, actor engagement
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