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Esempi di Architettura

Manifestations of cultural and religious heritages. “The hospitalito in Irapuato, gto.”
DOI:  10.53136/97912599480908
Pages: 209-220
Publication date: February 2022
Publisher: Aracne
The Templo de la Misericordia, known as “El Hospitalito” located in the Historic Center of the city of Irapuato, Gto. whose cultural values and attributes go beyond the notion of a group, is registered as Cultural Heritage of the city. Its foundational origin corresponds to the second half of the XVI century and it was erected together with three other temples: The Parish Church, the Temple of San José and the Temple of Soledad, thus establishing a defined religious and liturgical structure with a parish center. As part of the program of dignification of the temple “El Hospitalito”, an executive project is being carried out, which contemplates the scenic illumination of the exterior and actions of improvement, maintenance and restoration for its safeguarding. There are two stages within the executive project: diagnosis and intervention. The diagnosis is based on the analysis and understanding of the concepts described in the “Manual of preventive conservation of cultural property in religious precincts”. In the intervention, three degrees of intervention are adopted: conservation, restoration and maintenance. And three intervention criteria: liberation, consolidation and integration actions. As a result, the intervention procedures are obtained (techniques, specifications, materials, construction system) that are adopted for the executive project of restoration, which must be done with respect, without disregarding the historical value and leaving no doubt of the authenticity of the property, which means that there is a great responsibility for the cultural property and society.

Keywords: Urban heritage preservation, Intervention criteria, Restoration procedures
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