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Extracted from publication
Legal Policy & Pandemics
The Journal of the Global Pandemic Network

Legal and Regulatory Measures and Responses to Prevent and Control COVID-19 in Uganda
DOI:  10.53136/97912599443516
Pages: 67-84
Publication date: January 2022
Publisher: Aracne
Uganda adopted different legal and regulatory approaches to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic. Measures included Presidential Directives, Ministry of Health rules, guidelines and the responses, establishment of institutions such as the National Task Force (NTF) and District Task Forces (DTF) Force, and allocation of funds. These measures are included indifferent instrumentssuch as statutory instruments, which empower government institutions to contain the COVID-19 situation in Uganda. They also set out conditions to be complied with by individuals and institutions. This article aims at mapping out the legal and institutions’ approaches and assesses their effectiveness in preventing and controlling COVID-19 in Uganda.
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