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Architetti e Artisti nella Diaspora Italiana in America Latina. Arquitectos y Artistas en la Diáspora Italiana en Latinoamérica

Tras los pasos de los Hermanos Tangassi: Una familia de artistas-empresarios en la Ciudad de México
DOI:  10.53136/979125994390312
Pages: 290-315
Publication date: September 2021
Publisher: Aracne
In the early decades of 19th century, Attilio, Giuseppe and Luigi, better known as I fratelli Tangassi or Tangassi Brothers crossed the Atlantic with the firm desire of making fortune in America. They quickly became important artists-entrepreneurs who stablished a laboratory where they produced, repaired and sold artistic objects as sculptures, vessels, vases, tables, fountains and a huge variety of luxurious pieces of “good taste”. An important attractive was that many of these pieces where entirely fabricated with marble in Italy and they travelled to Mexico where they were armed and placed. In just few decades, the Tangassi brothers positioned themselves in political, cultural, religious and artistic fields, they found important sources of incomes in different spaces as cemeteries, houses, gardens, squares, avenues, and religious temples. They were skilled pioneers who established many traditions of the artistic migratory flows that marked the long 19th century. For many years, these figures were forgotten in the Mexican art history, today it is important to give them the place they deserve in the timeline for the traces they left for Latin-American visual culture. This essay intends to contribute to that task, by bringing a brief overview of part of the extensive work that these volterran artists did in a city far from the place where they were born. A city that changed their lives, but a city that definitely changed with them too.
Keywords: Artist-entrepreneur, Migratory flow, Artistic objects.
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